Friday, December 5, 2014


Idiom is a word or phrase which means something different from its literal meaning. Idioms are common phrases or terms whose meaning is not real, but can be understood by their popular use.
1.      Come to Light (Homo Erectus Palaeojavanicus ditemukan pada tahun 1891 oleh Eugene Dubois.)
2.      Fall out Love with (Orangtua tidak akan pernah berhenti mencintai anaknya.)
3.      For the Sake of (Saya tinggal di Cilegon untuk sementara demi ayah saya.)
4.      Fit as a (Ferdi menjadi segar bugar sejak ikut fitness.)
5.      Drop a Line (Dia berjanji mengirim surat pendek ke dinas tenaga kerja tentang kondisi kesehatannya.)

Metaphor is a figure of speech that identifies one thing as being the same as some unrelated other thing, thus strongly implying the similarities between the two.
1.      The book was received warmly.
2.      I had already planted the idea in her mind.
3.      The comic had the audience eating out of her hand.
4.      Peter tried to pull the wool over my eyes.
5.      Necessity is the mother of invention.

A simile is a figure of speech that makes a comparison, showing similarities between two different things. Unlike a metaphor, a simile draws resemblance with the help of the words “like” or “as”. Therefore, it is a direct comparison.
  1. Our soldiers are as brave as lions.
  2. Her cheeks are red like a rose.
  3. He is as funny as a monkey.
  4. The water well was as dry as a bone.
  5. He is as cunning as a fox.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


1.    Adaptasi (Adaptation)
Teknik penerjemahan yang menggantikan unsur-unsur budaya yang khas dalam BSu dengan unsur budaya yang ada dalam BSa. Teknik ini dapat digunakan apabila unsur atau elemen budaya tersebut memiliki padanan dalam BSa.
BSu     : His leg felt like a stone
BSa     : Tungkai kakinya seperti terpaku

2.    Amplifikasi (Penambahan)
Teknik penerjemahan yang menambahkan detail informasi yang tidak terdapat dalam teks bahasa sumber. Penambahan dalam teknik ini hanya informasi yang digunakan untuk membantu penyampaian pesan atau pemahaman pembaca. Penambahan ini tidak boleh mengubah pesan yang ada dalam teks bahasa sumber.
BSu     : There are many Indonesian at the ship.
BSa     : Banyak warga negara Indonesia di kapal itu.
Kata Indonesian diterjemahkan menjadi warga Negara Indonesia di sini dimaksudkan untuk memperjelas informasi tanpa mengubah pesan yang terkandung dari kata tersebut.

3.    Peminjaman (Borrowing)
Teknik penerjemahan yang menggunakan kata atau ungkapan dari bahasa sumber di dalam bahasa sasaran. Peminjaman dapat berupa peminjaman murni (pure borrowing), yaitu peminjaman tanpa melakukan perubahan apa pun, seperti kata “zig-zag”, atau berupa peminjaman alamiah (naturalized borrowing), dimana kata dari BSu disesuaikan dengan ejaan BSa, seperti kata “musik” yang berasal dari kata “music”.

4.    Kalke (Calque)
Penerjemahan harfiah dari sebuah kata atau frasa dalam bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran.
BSu     : He is the new assistant manager
BSa     : Dia adalah asisten manajer yang baru.

5.    Kompensasi (Compensation)
Teknik penerjemahan yang menggantikan posisi unsur informasi atau efek stilistika dalam BSu pada bagian lain dalam BSa karena tidak dapat direalisasikan pada bagian yang sama dalam BSa.
BSu     : A burning desire to share The Secret with the world consumed me.
BSa     : Hasrat yang menyala-nyala untuk membagikan Rahasia kepada dunia membakar diri saya. (Hendrastuti, 2012: 189)
6.    Deskripsi (Description)
Teknik penerjemahan yang mengganti istilah dalam bahasa sumber dengan deskripsinya dalam bahasa sasaran. Teknik ini digunakan ketika suatu istilah dalam bahasa sumber tidak memiliki istilah yang sepadan dalam bahasa sasaran.
BSu     : I like panetton.
BSa     : Saya suka panetton, kue tradisional Italia yang dimakan pada saat tahun baru.  

7.    Kreasi Diskursif (Discursive Creation)
Teknik penerjemahan yang menggunakan padanan sementara yang jauh dari konteks aslinya. Teknik ini sering muncul dalam penerjemahan judul film, buku, dan novel.
BSu     : The Minangkabau Response To The Dutch Colonial rule in the Nineteenth Century.
BSa     : Asal-usul Elite Minangkabau Modem: Respons terhadap Kolonial Belanda XIX/XX. (Havid Ardi, 2010: 400)

8.    Padanan Lazim (Established Equivalence)
Menerjemahkan istilah dalam bahasa sumber dengan istilah yang sudah lazim dalam bahasa sasaran. Istilah dalam bahasa sumber tersebut umumnya berdasarkan kamus atau ungkapan sehari-hari.
BSu     : Sincerely yours
BSa     : Hormat kami

9.    Generalisasi (Generalization)
Menerjemahkan suatu istilah dengan istilah yang sudah umum dan dikenal masyarakat luas. Teknik ini digunakan apabila suatu istilah dalam bahasa sumber merujuk pada bagian yang spesifik, yang padanannya dalam bahasa sasaran tidak ada yang merujuk pada bagian yang sama.
Contoh: becak diterjemahkan menjadi vehicle.

10.  Amplifikasi Linguistik (Linguistics Amplification)
Teknik penerjemahan yang menambahkan unsur-unsur linguistik teks BSu dalam teks BSa. Teknik ini sering digunakan dalam interpreting atau dubbing.
BSu     : everything is up to you!
BSa     : semuanya terserah anda sendiri!

11.  Kompresi Linguistik (Linguistics Compression)
Teknik penerjemahan yang menyatukan atau mengumpulkan unsur-unsur linguistik yang ada dalam teks BSu. Teknik ini sering digunakan dalam interpreting atau dubbing.
BSu     : Are you sleepy?  
BSa     : ngantuk?

12.  Penerjemahan Harfiah (Literal Translation)
Teknik penerjemahan yang mengalihkan suatu ungkapan dalam BSu secara kata per kata ke dalam BSa.
BSu     : The President gave the present to Michael last week.
BSa     : Presiden memberi hadiah itu pada Michael minggu lalu.

13.  Modulasi (Modulation)
Teknik penerjemahan yang mengganti, fokus, sudut pandang atau aspek kognitif yang ada dalam BSu, baik secara leksikal ataupun struktural.
BSu     : Nobody doesn’t like it.
BSa     : Semua orang menyukainya.

14.  Partikularisasi (Particularization)
Teknik penerjemahan yang menggunakan istilah yang lebih konkret dan khusus. Teknik ini berkebalikan dengan teknik generalisasi.
BSu     : She likes to collect jewelry.
BSa     : Dia senang mengoleksi kalung emas.

15.  Reduksi (Reduction)
Memadatkan informasi yang terdapat dalam bahasa sumber ke dalam bahasa sasaran. Pemadatan informasi yang dilakukan tidak boleh mengubah pesan dalam teks bahasa sumber.
BSa     : She got a car accident
BSu     : Dia mengalami kecelakaan

16.  Substitusi (Substitution)
Mengganti elemen-elemen linguistik menjadi paralinguistik (seperti intonasi dan isyarat) atau sebaliknya.
Contoh : menganggukkan kepala di Indonesia diterjemahkan “ya!”

17.  Transposisi (Transposition)
Teknik penerjemahan yang mengganti kategori gramatikal bahasa sumber dalam bahasa sasaran, misalnya mengganti kata menjadi frasa. Teknik ini biasanya digunakan karena adanya perberdaan tata bahasa antara BSu dan BSa.
BSu     : I have no control over this condition
BSa     : Saya tidak dapat mengendalikan kondisi ini

18.  Variasi (Variation)
Teknik penerjemahan yang mengganti unsur-unsur linguistik atau paralinguistik yang mempengaruhi variasi linguistik. Misalnya perubahan textual tone, style, geographical dialect, dan social dialect.
BSu     : Give it to me now!
BSa     : Berikan barang itu ke gue sekarang! 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Idiom and Its Literal Meaning in English

Idiom and Its Literal Meaning in English

Literal Meaning
Think On Your Feet

Adjusting quickly to changes and making fast decisions.


Get The Show On The Road

Putting up a plan or idea into action. 

Not Let Grass Grow Under Feet

Don't delay in getting something done.

Separate Sheep from Goats

Examining a group of people and deciding their suitability.

Have On the Brain

Thinking or talking about it all day long.

Get a Grip on Yourself

Controlling your feelings to deal with a situation.

Proud As A Peacock

Refers to an extremely proud person.

Look On the Bright Side

View an unpleasant situation in a positive light.

Cake Not Worth the Candle

Refers to something in which result vs efforts are too less.

Foot in the Door

Small but good start with a possibility for a bright future.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014



1.      LITERAL
Newmark distinguishes the literal from the word-for-word and one-to-one translation. Word-for-word translation transfers SL grammar and word-order, as well as the primary meanings of all the SL words into the translation, and is normally effective only for brief simple neutral sentences. In one-to-one translation which is a broader form of translation, each SL word has a corresponding TL word, but their primary meaning may differ. Since one-to-one translation normally respects collocational meanings, which exert the most powerful contextual influence on translation, it is commoner than word-for-word translation. Literal translation goes beyond one-to-one translation, particularly applicable to languages that do not have definite and /or indefinite articles.

Example: A literal English translation of the German word "Kindergarten" would be "children garden," but in English the expression refers to the school year between pre-school and first grade. Literal translations in which individual components within words or compounds are translated to create new lexical items in the target language (a process also known as “loan translation”) are called calques, e.g., “beer garden” from German “Biergarten.”

This procedure succeeds transference and adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation of the TL, then to its normal morphology.

Example: performance (English) performant (Germany), estate (English) estat (Indonesia), and police (English) polis (Malaysian)

It’s divided into 2 parts, bound modulation and free modulation (Newmark in Machali, 2000:691).
1) Bound modulation; if a word or phrase is shown.
Example: The active form in the source’s language changes into the passive one in the receptor’s language and it is also the passive form in the source’s language change into active on in the receptor’s language.
2) Free Modulation: It is done because of non-linguistic aspect.
Example: to make the meaning clear, to make the relation meaning in the receptor’s language, to find out the natural aspect in the receptor’s language, etc.

Contextual conditioning is placing an information contextual in order to make a clear meaning. For the receptors, for example: to translate an English expression into indonesia.

Example: Good morning (english) – Selamat pagi (indonesia)

It is a procedure that used in word translation or an expression lexically into the receptor’s language.

Example: The source’s written: Doodgerido is a traditional instrument used by Aborigines.
The receptor’s written: Doodgerido adalah alat musik traditional yang digunakan orang Aborigin.
Footnote: Doodgerido is a kind of traditional music, it shape’s like clarinet that the end of part is curve, and the sound like a ship siren which it will be departured (Machali, 2000: 75).

This is the mechanical process whereby parts of speech "play musical chairs" (Fawcett's analogy) when they are translated. Grammatical structures are not often identical in different languages. "She likes swimming" translates as "Le gusta nadar" (not "nadando") - or in German, "Sie schwimmt gern", because gerunds and infinitives work in different ways in English and Spanish, and German is German (bringing in an adverb to complicate matters). Transposition is often used between English and Spanish because of the preferred position of the verb in the sentence: English wants the verb up near the front; Spanish can have it closer to the end.

Example: He always drinks > (Telugu) atanu tragubotu (He is a drunkard)

This is an approximate translation where an SL cultural word is translated by a TL cultural word. These are approximate cultural equivalents. Their translation uses are limited; since they are not accurate, but this procedure can be used in general texts, publicity and propaganda, as well as for brief explanation to TL readers who are ignorant of the relevant SL culture. This procedure can give greater pragmatic impact than culturally neutral words.

Example: e.g.: Tamil. Niccayatarttam > English. Betrothal.

This is also a common procedure, applied to cultural word of the SL required when the TL required a cultural free word or a new specific term in TL. So, it neutralizes or generalizes the SL word. When a culturally equivalent term in TL is not possible to find a cultural word of SL, this procedure is the most accurate way of translating. We can also extent the procedure to translate the technical term which has no equivalent in TL. This procedure may be occasionally used if the term is of little importance in drama as they can create an immediate effect. This procedure occupies the middle area between the language and culture of SL and the language and culture of TL. If the functional equivalent is practiced one to one then, it becomes undertranslation. If practiced one to two, it may be an over translation.

Example: e.g. Doordarshan > Indian Television

In translation, description has to be weighed sometimes against function. Description and function are essential elements in explanation and, therefore, in Translation.

Example: for the word 'aram' in Tamil, the description is an instrument made of iron, with teeth on one side, the function is 'cutting'.

It is near-TL equivalent to an SL word in a context, where a precise equivalence may or may not exist. A translator cannot do without synonymy; he is to do with it as a compromise, in order to translate more important segment of a text, segments of the meaning more accurately. But it is considered that the unnecessary use of synonym as a symbol of a poor translation. This procedure is used for SL words where,
(1)   There is no clear one-to-one equivalent in the TL
(2)   The word is not important in the text
Example: kind person > (Telugu) Dharmatmud

This procedure is used when the others do not suffice. It involves modifying the concept, or using a situation analogous to the SL situation though not identical to it.

Example: kambaramayan$ am.

These are rather imprecise translation procedures, which the translators practise intuitively in some cases, in adhoc manner in others. However, for each there is at least one shift which the translator may like to bear in mind, particularly in poorly written texts:
(1)  Reduction e.g. :- SL. Adjective of substance + Noun > TL Noun
(2)  Expansion e.g.: - SL. Adjective > TL. Adverb + Past participle of Present participle + Object

This is an application or explanation of the meaning of a segment of a text. It is used in an 'anonymous' text when it is poorly written or when it had important implications and omissions. One should be careful in listing paraphrases as a translation procedure, because this word is often used to describe free translation. The procedure is the minimal recasting of an ambiguous or obscure sentence, in order to clarify it.